Scripture: Mark 4:35-41.
1. What are some of the promises God has given to us? To you?
2. Why is it hard to hold on to those promises when problems hit us?
3. What does it look like when Jesus demonstrates His power in your life?
4. Can you think of an example of Jesus doing this?
5. Where is your faith?
Scripture: Mark 4:30-34.
1. Why is the mustard seed important? What does it have to do with your life?
2. In what ways do we try to rush spiritual growth? How can we slow down?
3. What does it mean to show hospitality as a Christian?
4. How can you personally be part of that?
5. How does this parable showcase the Kingdom of God?
Scripture: Mark 4:26-29.
1. How can you discern the phase of growth that God is taking you through?
2. How do you live differently today because of your anticipation of God’s coming Kingdom?
3. What area of life are you praying for God to transform in you so that you can be a witness during difficult situations?
Scripture: Mark 4:21-25.
1. What does it mean to “choose to listen”? And how can you do that well?
2. What does it mean to “choose to shine”? And how can you do that well?
3. What does it mean to “choose to receive”? And how can you do that well?
4. What are some disciplines that you can add into your life that will help you focus on Jesus and walk with Him more closely?
5. What does it look like to be “given more” by Jesus?
Scripture: Mark 4:1-20.
1. How is this parable applied in your life?
2. What does it mean that the seed is eaten by the birds? When does that happen in your life?
3. What does it mean that the seed grows scorched? When does that happen in your life?
4. What does it mean that the seed grows tangled up? When does that happen in your life?
5. What does it mean that the seed grows to produce future crops? What does that mean in your life?
1. Listen to God’s voice through creation. (Psalm 19:1-4)
2. A picture of our life in nature—magnetism. (II Corinthians 12:6-9)
3. Our weakness translated into our relationships—pride and humility. (I Peter 5:5-6)
4. Jesus shows us how. (Philippians 2:5-11)
5. The humbling process has two parts—receiving help and giving help. Another picture in nature—darkness and light. (Isaiah 9:1-7; John 1:1-5)
6. Light always overcomes darkness.
7. Sin is the absence of God’s presence.
Scripture: Psalm 148.
Wherever you are, whatever you’re going through, praise the Lord.
Scripture: Isaiah 9:1-7.
1. What does it mean to have faith that is anticipating?
2. How do you flex the muscle of faith? What does that look like in your life?
3. What does it mean to put your weight on something spiritually?
4. What is the difference between faith in Christ vs. the faith of Christ? Why is this important?
5. How can you rest in the faith of Christ?
Scripture: Romans 14:17.
Scripture: Psalm 131.
1. Where does peace seem to leak out of your life? What places or moments do you feel the most unsettled?
2. Do you ever experience pride getting in the way of peace? How does that happen?
3. What does it look like to leave weighty concerns to the Lord? How do you do that?
4. In what ways can you slow down and quiet yourself before the Lord?
5. How does the advent season remind us that Jesus is our peace?
Scripture: Psalm 25:10.
Scripture: Mark 3:20-35.
1. What does it mean to take the claims of Jesus seriously?
2. How does the great trilemma help with this?
3. How does Jesus prove that He is not a lunatic? Or a liar?
4. How can you make sure Jesus is Lord of your life?
5. In what specific ways today can you trust Jesus?
Scripture: Mark 3:7-19.
1. Why do people come to Jesus? Why do you?
2. What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
3. How do you become a disciple of Jesus? What does this look like?
4. Who are the disciples of Jesus? What does this mean for you?
5. In what ways can you grow in your discipleship to Jesus?
Scripture: Mark 3:1-6.
Scripture: Mark 2:23-28.
1. Why do you think Jesus told the story of King David eating the consecrated bread? What purpose did it serve?
2. Why is the Gospel of Mark making sure we understand the authority of Jesus? How is this important in your life?
3. What is the point of the law given to us from God?
4. Why is it important that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath?
5. How can you delight in the law of the Lord?
Scripture: Mark 2:18-22.
1. Do you ever struggle with feeling spiritually elite? What does that look like?
2. What can you do about this attitude?
3. In what ways do you anticipate and celebrate Jesus in your life?
4. Why is Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom so new? And why is that important?
5. What does it mean to find new life in Jesus?
Scripture: Mark 2:13-17.
1. Why is it easy to be forgiven but hard to forgive?
2. Who is it in your life that you have a hard time forgiving or seeing forgiven?
3. Why can’t we earn or achieve forgiveness or healing?
4. What does it mean to know that you need a doctor?
5. What does that look like in your life?
Scripture: Mark 2:1-12.
1. Who am I?
2. Is your identity based on your earthly father or your Father in heaven?
3. Do you want to be well?
4. Who needs forgiveness in your life?
5. Are you willing to suffer together to heal?
Scripture: Mark 1:35-45.
1. How would Jesus live your life if He were you?
2. What does it look like to live with intentionality?
3. What is one way you can put that into practice this week?
4. What does it look like to abide in Jesus? How can you put that into practice?
5. What does it look like to overflow? In what ways can you overflow?
Scripture: Mark 1:21-34.
Main Points:
Scripture: Mark 1:14-20.
1. What does it look like for Christians to be full of good news?
2. Why are we sometimes full of bad news? What can we do about this?
3. What does it mean that the Kingdom of God is near?
4. How do you sense the nearness of the Kingdom of God in your life?
5. What does it look like for you to follow Jesus this week?
Scripture: Mark 1:9-13.
Jesus came from Nazareth—Why?
Jesus was baptized—Why?
A voice came from heaven—Why?
The Spirit sent Him out into the wilderness—Why?
Scripture: Mark 1:1-8.
1. What do you currently know about the book of Mark? How is it different from the other gospels?
2. In what ways do you recognize that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, in your life?
3. What has been your experience with the spiritual, emotional, and/or mental wilderness?
4. Why is it important to understand that there is hope in the wilderness?
5. What does it mean to prepare for the way of Jesus? What does this look like for you?
Scripture: Ruth 4:13-22.
Scripture: Ruth 2:1.
1. In what ways has God used your story? In what ways does he want to?
2. How are you uniquely equipped for either where you are or where you are going?
3. Do you see God’s hand at work in that? Why or why not?
4. What does it mean to be ready instead of having to get ready?
5. In what ways can you be more open to the move of God in your life?
Scripture: Ruth 4:1-12.
1. Where do you see the hand of God at work in your life? Where would you like to see it more?
2. In what ways do you grasp for control and/or meaning?
3. What does it mean for you to be redeemed? In what ways and where do you pursue that?
4. How can you allow Jesus to be your Redeemer?
5. What hope can Ruth 4 provide for you and why?
Scripture: Ruth 3:1-18.
1. Do you see Naomi’s plan as testing God in a positive way or negative way?
2. What does it mean to trust God with your plans?
3. What does it mean to you to have integrity?
4. Is it hard to deny yourself temporary self-indulgence?
5. How is Jesus our Kinsman Redeemer?
Scripture: Ruth 2:11-12.
1. What part of Ruth’s story encourages you the most? Why?
2. In what ways do you see your life similar to Ruth’s?
3. How can you have a similar unwavering confidence in God?
4. Do you believe God will care for you? Why or why not?
5. What does it look like to you to both wait on the Lord and commit your work to the Lord?
Scripture: Ruth 2:1-23.
1. In what ways do you feel God at work in your life right now? In what ways would you like to?
2. How does effort and hope go hand-in-hand? Why is this an important concept?
3. What does it look like to practice hesed love to those around you?
4. In what ways has someone practiced hesed love toward you?
5. In what ways do you sense God is showing you His hesed?
Scripture: Ruth 1:19-22.
1. What are healthy responses to despair in our lives? What are unhealthy responses?
2. What are healthy responses to other people’s pain? What are unhealthy responses?
3. Why does Job’s friend offer poor advice?
4. In what ways can we challenge our assumptions about suffering and God?
5. Where is there hope in your life right now?
Scripture: Ruth 1:1-5.
1. What are your initial impressions of Naomi? What do you already know about her?
2. How would you feel if you were Naomi? What would that do to your relationship with God?
3. Why is bitterness dangerous? What can you do about it?
4. In what ways do you see God working behind the scenes in Naomi’s life?
5. What does it look like to trust in Jesus and grow in Him?
Scriptures: Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:15.
Scripture: Ruth 1:6-18.
1. Where do you see the Lord providing in your life?
2. What do you do when you are at the end of your rope? What are your feelings?
3. Where is life found? Where do you see yourself wanting to find abundance or security?
4. What does it look like to follow God?
5. How do you show that you are committed to Jesus? What practically does that look like?
Scripture: Ruth 1:1-5.
Scripture: Revelation 22:1-5.
1. How often are you fearful or worried about the future? How does your faith in Jesus help with this?
2. How does knowing the end of the Bible help with our ultimate security?
3. Why does knowing we are part of a larger story matter?
4. Why is it important that Jesus is coming soon?
5. What does “soon” mean? And how can we be ready?
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:16.
Scripture: Psalm 67
Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16-21, 3:14-18.
Scripture: Matthew 22:37-39.
1. What does it mean to “cherry-pick” Bible verses?
2. Why is it usually a bad practice?
3. How can you avoid this trap of just reading selectively?
4. What are some good Biblical interpretation practices?
5. Who is the Bible about? Why is that important to remember when you are reading it?
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11.
1. How is the Bible foundational in your life? In what ways is it authoritative?
2. Do you understand the whole arc of the biblical narrative? In what ways could you learn it better?
3. What does it mean that Jesus came to fulfill the law and not abolish it?
4. How does Jesus demonstrate that he is uncompromising about the Word of God and yet still loving?
5. How do you model this approach in your life?
Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
Scripture: Luke 24:1-12.
Scripture: Mark 11:7-11.
1. What is the message of Palm Sunday about?
2. Why is it important to understand that Jesus is the King of Kings and the Messiah?
3. Why is an idol so dangerous in your life?
4. What does the Bible mean by “antichrists” and what does that look like in our world?
5. In what ways did Jesus remake this political narrative in the first century? What about now?
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1-18.
1. How do you listen to God? What does this look like practically in your life?
2. How are you typically distracted?
3. What does it look like to be more engaged?
4. When praying, do you do more talking or listening? Or equal?
5. Why is it important to develop a discipline of listening to God?
Scriptures: Philippians 2:3-8; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Proverbs 16:18; Mark 10:42-44.
Scripture: Mark 2:23-28.
Scripture: Matthew 22:37
1. How is your faith supported?
2. In what ways are you growing and how have you set that up?
3. In what areas would you love to see your faith grow?
4. How could you go about that growth?
5. What does it look like to start somewhere and make it a regular part of your life?
6. How can you increase it consistently?
7. What ways can you help others connect to the vine?
Scripture: Galatians 4:19.
1. How are people formed? What is this process?
2. In what ways have you allowed formation to happen to you?
3. In what ways have you been intentional in your formation?
4. What are the stories you believe about yourself?
5. In what do you mostly abide? How can you abide more consistently in Christ?
Scripture: Psalm 23 and John 10.
Scripture: I John 2:3-6.
Scripture: Psalm 5:3.
1. What does it look like to be intentional in your prayer life?
2. How can you add more intentionality to your prayer life?
3. What does it mean to be honest in your prayer life? What does this look like?
4. How can we grow in our awareness of God’s presence?
5. Where can you begin this week on being more WITH Jesus?
Scripture: Acts 24:14-16.
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12.
1. What does it look like to have awareness of the activity of God?
2. How are you able to see God’s movement in your life and in your world?
3. How can you seek the Lord? And His Kingdom?
4. What does it mean to ask and receive from the Lord?
5. In what ways can you live a life full of epiphanies?
Scripture: Jeremiah 24:4-7.
1. How does God knowing EVERYTHING there is to know about you and loving you anyway make you feel?
2. Why do you think God wants us to pursue knowing Him as much as He knows us?
3. Explain why it can be difficult to allow others to truly KNOW us.
4. How can allowing others to KNOW everything there is to know about us lead to freedom?
5. Why is it important to be the same person, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in?
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38.
1. Why is it important that God came to earth?
2. What does it mean that God is with us? How does that look in your life?
3. In what ways do you exercise faith?
4. How do you see faith as a remembrance?
5. How do you see faith as a future hope?
6. In what ways can your faith confront your fears?
7. Why does this all matter for Christmas?
Scripture: Psalm 16.
1. Where do you typically find joy? And why?
2. What does it look like to have sustaining joy? Have you felt that?
3. What does it mean to “do the minimum” in the Kingdom of God?
4. What is the cost of discipleship? Why is that relevant to you?
5. What is the cost of non-discipleship? Why is that relevant to you?
Scripture: Isaiah 26:1-6.
1. In what ways are you searching for peace in your life, relationships, world?
2. In what ways do you feel unsettled?
3. When do you feel content? What does that look like?
4. In what ways do you recognize Jesus as our peace?
5. How can you use the unlimited and inexhaustible resources of God?
Scriptures: Genesis 37:1-11
Genesis 37:18-36
Genesis 39:1-23
Genesis 41:1-40
1. Where is our hope?
2. Where can we see God in this season?
3. How can we find hope in Jesus?
Scripture: Colossians 4:7-18.
1. How much do you experience loneliness and what does that look like?
2. Why is it important to have a support network?
3. Who are your companions in life?
4. Would others list you as a companion for them in life? Why or why not?
5. How can having solid Christian friends help nurture your faith?
6. Who’s at your table?
Scripture: Colossians 4:2-6.
TACOS Prayer Model
Scripture: Colossians 3:18-4:1.
Scripture: Colossians 3:15-17.
1. What does peace look like in your life? Where do you typically find peace?
2. Why does it seem hard to have peace on a more consistent basis?
3. What does peace look like in the church? What is your role in that?
4. How does putting peace into practice work? What specifically does that look like?
5. How are gratitude and peace related?
Scripture: Colossians 3:1-14.
1. What does it mean to set your heart on things above? How about your mind?
2. How can you find rest in Jesus? What does this practically look like?
3. What needs to be put to death in our lives?
4. What are some practices or habits that continue to make you anxious and stressed?
5. What does it look like to continue to pursue Jesus in these moments?
6. How do we put on the things that Paul lists as our new clothes?
Scripture: Colossians 2:16-23.
1. What does it mean to try to add things to Christ?
2. How about taking things away from Christ? (Make His sacrifice not complete.)
3. Have you experienced judgment from someone else? How did that make you feel?
4. Have you been the one to judge someone else? How did that make you feel?
5. What does it look like to embrace religion instead of Jesus? Why is it important to understand the difference?
6. What does Christian freedom look like? How do you walk in it?
Scripture: Colossians 2:6-15.
Scripture: Colossians 1:24-2:5.
Scripture: Colossians 1:21-23.
1. How would you explain the gospel to someone else? What is the most important part?
2. What does it mean to be alienated? From God?
3. How does it look to be enemies in your mind to God?
4. How did Jesus reconcile us? What is the difference in your life?
5. What does it look like to continue in your faith?
Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20.
1. What does it mean that Christ is supreme?
2. What does it mean that Christ is central? What does this mean for your life?
3. How do you live as if Christ is supreme and central to your life?
4. How do we discover God through Jesus? What does this mean?
5. Why is it important to understand that Jesus holds all of creation together?
6. How is Jesus our prototype and what does it look like to follow Him?
Scripture: Colossians 1:9-13.
1. What does it mean to be filled with the knowledge of His will? Have you experienced this?
2. What does it look like to live into the will of God? Are you currently?
3. Why is it important to have endurance and patience?
4. What are the implications of needing to have endurance and patience even though you are in the will of God?
5. Why is gratitude important? What has that looked like this week for you? Did you practice gratitude?
Scripture: Colossians 1:1-8.
1. What do you already know about Colossians? Where would you like to know more?
2. What does it mean to be IN Christ? And why does that matter?
3. What does it look like to be more grateful? How would you rank your gratefulness currently?
4. Do you see God at work in your life? What about in your community? In your world?
5. What does it look like to grow in your faith this week?
Scripture: Acts 1:6-11.
1. What does our final home look like? What does the Bible say about it?
2. Why do we seek to answer the “when” of Jesus’ second coming? Is it okay to do so?
3. Where did Jesus go when He ascended? Is He gone? Why does it matter?
4. What does our current home look like when we are abiding in Christ?
5. What does it look like to balance “hearts set on things above” and “Why are you looking up?”
Scripture: John 14:1
1. How would you describe the Kingdom of God to someone? Why?
2. What does it look like for a person to be in the Kingdom of God?
3. Why is important that Jesus’ Kingdom is “not of this world”?
4. How do we seek first the Kingdom of God?
5. What would it look like to trust in God so much that you don’t feel overwhelmed or have a “troubled heart”?
Scripture: John 14:1-7
1. Why is it important for us that Jesus showed us the way in and through exile?
2. Why are the events of Jesus’ birth important? What does that mean for your life?
3. Why did Jesus start His ministry by being tempted in the desert?
4. How does Jesus show us the way, the truth, and the life?
5. What does that mean for us today?
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:1-7.
1. What does it look like for us to live in exile? How do we live?
2. Why is it not the Christian response to escape? And how have you tried to do this?
3. Why is it not the Christian response to indulge? And how have you tried to do this?
4. Why is it not the Christian response to fight? And how have you tried to do this?
5. What does it look like to love your neighbor? To bless your city?
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:10-14.
1. What does it mean to find grace in the consequences? How have you experienced this?
2. Why is there exile for Israel? When have you experienced exile?
3. How do you understand the lovingkindness of God? What does that look like in your life?
4. How do you find God’s grace in the midst of exile?
5. How does God’s grace carry you day-by-day?
Scripture: Judges 2:1-5.
Scripture: Exodus 1:7-22.
Scripture: Psalm 130.
Scripture: Genesis 37:1-20.
1. How often do you get tripped up by comparison? And where do you stack up?
2. Why do you think we care about how we compare to others?
3. What does it look like to work downward? In a humble approach?
4. Where is God with you right now in your life? More specifically, where do you sense Him moving in your life right now?
5. What does it look like to allow God to move more actively in your life today?
Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31.
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-12.
Scripture: John 3:1-21.
1. What does “new birth” mean? And why is it important?
2. Why do we need “new birth”?
3. What does it mean to be “from God and with God”?
4. Do you believe that Jesus doesn’t condemn you? What does that actually look like for you?
5. What are some things you can do today to understand and live into “new birth”?
Scripture: John 9:1-12.
1. Why is there brokenness in the world? And what does that have to do with God?
2. When do we first interact with brokenness as people? Why?
3. What does it mean that “the works of God might be displayed”?
4. How is Jesus the light to the world? And what does that mean for your life?
5. What does it look like for you to be the light of the world through Jesus?
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35
1. What parts of Scripture do you struggle to understand? In what ways can you find help to better understand?
2. What does it look like to have a bigger perspective on the past and the future?
3. How can you find the connections through Scripture to Jesus?
4. How can you see Jesus’ activity more in your life?
5. What does it look like to interact with Jesus more in the mundane parts of life?
Scripture: Mark 12:41-44.
1. Was Jesus praising the gift of the widow or lamenting that she gave up everything?
2. What does it mean to be generous in the Kingdom of God?
3. How do our desires affect our generosity?
4. What is a tithe and why is it important?
5. How can we defend the cause of those in need?
Scripture: Luke 7:36-50.
Scripture: Luke 11:1-4.
Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10.
Scripture: John 6:66-69
Scriptures: Luke 18:35-43; John 5:1-8; 1 John 2:3-6; Ephesians 2:4-10.
Scripture: Mark 1:35-39.
Scriptures: 1 John 1:9; Psalm 42:5; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 51:11.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-24.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:1-9.
Scripture: Ephesians 5:21-33.
Scripture: Ephesians 5:3-20.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:25-5:2.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-24
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38
Scripture: Luke 12:35-48
Scripture: Matthew 3:1-12.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:7-16.
Scripture: Ephesians 3:20-21
Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-19
Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-13.
Scripture: Ephesians 2:11-22
Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10.
Scripture: Ephesians 1:15-23.
Scripture: Ephesians 1:3-14.
Paul says he was not ashamed of the gospel. For him to mention this means
that he realizes that it is possible to be ashamed. He knew those reading his letter were facing ridicule for their belief in this crucified Christ.
· Discuss what it means to be unashamed of the gospel.
· In what ways are we tempted to be ashamed of the gospel in our culture?
· Read Hebrews 4:14-18. What are the traits of Jesus (our High Priest), that the writer highlights, and why we can approach the throne with confidence?
· Tell about a time when you felt the assurance of God through difficulties. What was it like? What did you learn? How did your faith grow?
· Read Philippians 1:18-2. Paul shows joy and determination in his words. What's one area of your life you can learn to rely more on the Lord and find joy in?
· Our relationship with Jesus isn't the only source of encouragement. Who do you know in life that displays courage and an unashamed life?
· Take time to pray for one another.
"Considerations in Breaking Through Barriers to Get to Jesus"
Text: Luke 5:12-26
1. How has unfaithfulness affected your life?
2. How has God kept His promises to you? How will He?
3. In what ways have you trusted in unstable foundations? How can you trust in God’s stability, practically?
4. Where has God given unto you or your family, even when you felt He shouldn’t? What ways are you still waiting on God?
1. If asked to define the word “truth,” how would you define it?
2. How has God revealed Himself as “more true” to you?
3. What does it look like for you to enjoy truth?
4. How can you reveal truth to others with compassion?
1. If you had to describe how God is good, what would you say?
2. In what ways have you experienced God’s compassion and forgiveness?
3. In what was have you experienced His kindness and joy?
4. How can you reflect the goodness of God in your life?